Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017 is a whole new quilting adventure

Burn 2016 BURN


What a year.  I'm in awe I made it this far.

So it's been a bumpy year for me.  I have focused on my job and myself a lot.  All good things.

Life has felt like it's been punching left and right.  And I'm just again learning to roll with the punches.

Not always so grand at it...but I'm trying.

Check out my #2016bestnine

A photo posted by Fiber of All Sorts (@fiberofallsorts) on

I nearly forgot that I had such a lovely year...but I did.

A photo posted by Fiber of All Sorts (@fiberofallsorts) on

Next year is gonna be lovely!  Because I'm using all that I've learned in 2016 and gonna take 2017 and make it through the WHOLE year....

I am so excited that Quilting Jetgirl is doing a goals linky.
I'm adding my own goals to this.

2017 while it's gonna be a roller-coaster ride...I'm going to remember the long haul.

A photo posted by Fiber of All Sorts (@fiberofallsorts) on

  • Tackle some of my Works in Progress (WIP's) so I can eventually purchase some yummy new fabric.
  • Use the positive to heal - and heal I shall. 

Yeah for a clean start....

I adore that we can cheer each other on. Check out the other quilters unite as we plan away 2017.

2017 Planning Party

Here's to a whole new year!!

Quilt on Lovelies

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2015 A Lovely Year of Finishes ~ Finale Winners

One last goodbye to 2015!
A Lovely Year of Finishes
Melissa and I would like to thank our wonderful sponsors one final time. Without our sponsors I know this party wouldn't have been nearly as successful as it has been. Thank you from the bottom of our quilty little hearts!


2015 Finale Winners!!

 1. $35 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop

FatQuarterShop -

Moneik - Moneik Quilts

2. Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns

Jennie - Jennie's Threads

3. PDF Pattern from Katy – The Littlest Thistle
4. One PDF Pattern from Meadow Mist Designs

5. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams

6. One pdf Pattern from Clover and Violet


Hayley - Moobird Stitches

7. One Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to
Stitches n’ Giggles (winners choice)

Marie - Flickr

8. Sew BitterSweet Designs one pdf pattern

9. One PDF pattern from Sew Sweetness

 Sew Sweetness

Susan - Farm Quilter

10. One PDF pattern from Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs

Honey, Bunny, and Doll

Heather - A Reformed Heath'n

11. Thimblepie’s Quilt Supplies – Custom fabric package, 3 yards plus free shipping anywhere

 Kell - Flickr

Thanks again to our sponsors! But most of all your support throughout the years!

Can't wait to show you what's next!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

December 2015 Winners ~ A Lovely Year of Finishes

A Lovely Year of Finishes
Excited to share the winners from the month of December.

Melissa and I are always SO excited to hear all about your finishes!!

Let's celebrate last month!


Here’s our amazing prizes for December …and our WINNERS!

1.  Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns

 Mary - Mary Emmens

2. $15 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop

3. One PDF pattern from Michele of Mishka’s Playground


Becky - Flickr

4. PDF Pattern from Katy – The Littlest Thistle

The Littlest Thistle -

Heather - nepeanquilter

5. One PDF Pattern from Meadow Mist Designs

Meadow Mist Designs Button

Jenelle - Echinops & Aster

6. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams


7. One pdf Pattern from Clover and Violet


Moneik - Moneik Quilts

8. One Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to

Sobana - The Quilt Bug

9. Sew BitterSweet Designs one pdf pattern

Jodie - The Crafty Room

10. One PDF pattern from Sew Sweetness

Tisha - Quilty Therapy

11. One PDF pattern from Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs

Honey, Bunny, and Doll

 Patty - A Stitch in Time

12. Thimblepie’s Quilt Supplies – Custom fabric package, 3 yards plus free shipping anywhere


Congrats to our December winners

Friday, January 1, 2016

2015: A Lovely Year of Finishes ~ Finale link up

A Lovely Year of Finishes

How did you do in 2015? Were you able to finish at least 6 of the goals that you posted and linked up in 2015? If so you are in luck! You qualify to enter our finale link up party! Melissa and I have some awesome prizes for those that met this goal.
In order to be eligible you must have finished at least 6 goals that you linked to either Melissa or myself during 2015. In you link up post, please include a mosaic of the finished projects and a link to your goal and finish post to each one.
2015 was not a big year of finishes for me. But all awesome things in other ways. Next year is my year. I can't wait to see what happens!

  • You need to have successfully finished at least 6 of the goals you set for yourself in 2015.
  • You need to have linked each goal and each finish to the parties that Melissa and I hosted throughout the year.
  • Make a Mosaic or simply post ONE picture, that we can link to the rest of your finishes. One entry per person.

Again please make it super easy for us to give you prizes.
Link back to all 6 or more of your ALYoF photos or blog posts.
If we can't verify you're finishes we'll not be able to provide you with a prize.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
We would like to take a moment and thank all of our wonderful sponsors who have stood with us over the years. Their generosity is what has kept this project going all these years!
1. $35 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop
FatQuarterShop -
2. Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns
3. PDF Pattern from Katy – The Littlest Thistle
The Littlest Thistle -
4. One PDF Pattern from Meadow Mist Designs
Meadow Mist Designs Button
5. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams
6. One pdf Pattern from Clover and Violet
7. One Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to
Stitches n’ Giggles (winners choice)
8. Sew BitterSweet Designs one pdf pattern
9. One PDF pattern from Sew Sweetness
10. One PDF pattern from Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs
Honey, Bunny, and Doll
11. Thimblepie’s Quilt Supplies – Custom fabric package, 3 yards plus free shipping anywhere
Thanks again to our sponsors!

Monday, December 28, 2015

ALYOF final thoughts......

A Lovely Year of Finishes
A Lovely Year of Finishes

A Lovely Year of Finishes

The last three years have been so much fun, Melissa and I have really enjoyed managing and running A Lovely Year of Finishes. 

We have had the opportunity to work with some incredible sponsors and we have been lucky to see so many wonderful finishes, and finish a few projects ourselves.  

That being said, we have decided it is time to take a break from A Lovely Year of Finishes, and it is with heavy hearts that we are announcing the end of A Lovely Year of Finishes. 

We want to thank each and everyone person who linked up with us over the last three years. Give yourselves a huge round of applause, there have been over 3,000 finished projects linked up to our blogs. Talk about amazing!

We want to thank our incredible sponsors.  Your generosity has be unparalleled. 

This doesn't mean that Melissa and I are going away or that our wonderful friendship is ending, merely that we want some time to re-focus ourselves, our blogs, and our sewing.  We are excited for the future and we hope that you will keep up with your finishes.  

The group on Facebook will still be live and you are always welcome to keep posting there if you need some cheer leading!  

Don't forget that if you finished 6 out of 12 finishes this year you are eligible to link up to our finale party that will open on January 1st. Make sure to link to each of your awesome finishes in your blog post (or better yet, show a picture of each one in the post!).

And again, we aren't going anywhere, there will be lots of quilting, sewing and creating on each of our blogs in the coming year, we are just taking a break from this particular project.

Happy Sewing!

Melissa & Shanna

Friday, December 25, 2015

December 2015: A Lovely Year of Finishes - Finishes Party

A Lovely Year of Finishes


Let's see how everyone is doing out there!

You have requirements to be entered into the prizes this month.

1. Link-up {this previous post} the first 7-days of this month
2. Link-up below during the last 7-days of this month 

~ with a successful finish.

Add your blog post or flickr photo (with appropriate descriptions) to the linky party below.

Please grab a button or link back to Melissa and I so other people can join in the fun! {See stage left for the grab the button stuffs}

And if you remember to make it easy for us we'll click through the winners faster..aka put number of goal link up. The easier for us to choose you the happier we are.  

**Please note, the linky party is the same here and over at Melissa , so there is no need to enter twice **

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Here’s our amazing prizes this month…thank you sponsors!

1.  Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns

2. $15 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop

FatQuarterShop -

3. One PDF pattern from Michele of Mishka’s Playground


4. PDF Pattern from Katy – The Littlest Thistle

The Littlest Thistle -

5. One PDF Pattern from Meadow Mist Designs

Meadow Mist Designs Button

6. PDF Pattern from Persimon Dreams


7. One pdf Pattern from Clover and Violet


8. One Charm pack or $10.00 gift certificate to

9. Sew BitterSweet Designs one pdf pattern

10. One PDF pattern from Sew Sweetness

11. One PDF pattern from Honey, Bunny, and Doll Designs

Honey, Bunny, and Doll

12. Thimblepie’s Quilt Supplies – Custom fabric package, 3 yards plus free shipping anywhere


Congrats to all that have finished...if not it's all good!

Just keep Stitching